Outsourcing is the process where a company employs another organisation to handle tasks, manage operations or provide services. This strategy is particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) because it can lead to significant savings and allow them to concentrate on their core competencies. 

According to a survey by the National Outsourcing Association, 70% of businesses cited cost reduction as the primary reason for outsourcing. Moreover, this approach not only aids in focusing on central business activities but also gives SMEs access to world-class capabilities and facilities they might not have otherwise.

But it’s really important to be careful about following the law and being fair when you start outsourcing. The importance of ethical considerations cannot be overstated, especially in today’s socially conscious market.

A study from Cone Communications found that more than 90% of shoppers worldwide are more likely to trust and remain loyal to companies that actively seek to address social and environmental issues. Therefore, this blog aims to guide SMEs through the process of outsourcing responsibly, ensuring adherence to legal standards and ethical norms to foster trust and build a positive business reputation.

Understanding the Basics of Strategic Outsourcing

Understanding strategic outsourcing is crucial as it helps your business work more effectively while making sure you stick to laws and treat people right. 

Strategic outsourcing means carefully choosing which tasks to give to other companies. This can help SMEs save money and improve their services or products. 

Common jobs that get outsourced include IT support, customer service, and manufacturing. Doing this can let an SME grow without needing to hire more staff or invest in new technology.

Strategic outsourcing knowledge protects your business from possible problems and builds a good image by showing you care about doing things fairly.

Staying Within the Law When Outsourcing

When you’re thinking about giving some of your company’s work to another business, it’s really important to make sure everything is done legally. This isn’t just about signing contracts; it’s about understanding what those contracts mean and how international and local laws affect your decisions.

Key Points to Remember When Outsourcing;

  1. Know the Laws: Different countries have different rules, especially about privacy and employment. For example, if you’re in Europe or dealing with European customers, you need to know about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which sets strict rules about how personal data must be handled.
  2. Contracts Are Key: A clear contract not only outlines what you expect from your outsourcing partner but also protects you if things go wrong. It should cover everything from the scope of work and timelines to confidentiality and dispute resolution.
  3. Protect Your Ideas: If you’re outsourcing something that involves your business’s unique ideas or processes, make sure your intellectual property rights are protected in the agreement.
  4. Stay Updated: Laws and regulations can change. Make it a part of your routine to check for updates in relevant laws to ensure ongoing compliance.

Also Read: What is Offshore Outsourcing – The Inside Story

Embedding Ethical Practices in Your Outsourcing Strategy

Being ethical means doing business in a way that is fair, honest, and respects everyone involved. 

For SMEs, this means choosing outsourcing partners that treat their workers well and don’t harm the environment. Why does this matter? Because customers care about buying from businesses that do the right thing, and employees want to work for companies that share their values. Here’s how to do it:

Check the Background

Before teaming up with another company, it’s key to look into how they’ve acted in the past. Do they have a history of looking after their team? Are they careful about their impact on the planet? 

For instance, when considering an IT service provider, research if there’s feedback available on how they manage their staff or if they use green technologies to minimise environmental impact. 

This step can prevent forming a partnership with a firm that doesn’t live up to your ethical expectations. 

Talk About Your Values

It’s important to let any potential outsourcing partner know what your business believes in. This clear communication can prevent issues in the future. 

For example, if your firm prioritises data security and privacy, make this clear from the start. You might discover that a potential IT partner has robust security measures in place or is certified in data protection standards, making them a good match for your company. 

Considering a partner like Invedus could be a wise choice, as they are known for aligning with their clients’ values, ensuring a partnership that respects both ethical standards and business goals.

Keep an Eye on Things

After you’ve started a relationship with an outsourcing partner, remember to stay involved. Don’t just assume everything is going as planned. Regular check-ins can ensure they’re keeping to their promises and treating their workers fairly. 

This might involve setting up regular digital meetings to discuss progress or using project management tools for transparency. 

This way, you can quickly address any concerns and ensure the partnership remains both productive and ethical.

Building Ethical and Compliant Outsourcing Relationships

Finding the right partners is key. You want businesses that not only do great work but also follow the law and treat people fairly. Here are some steps to take:

  • Do Your Homework: Before agreeing to anything, look closely at potential partners. What other companies have they worked with? Can they prove they follow the law and treat their employees well?
  • Clear Communication: Talk openly about your expectations and make sure they understand your business values.
  • Regular Checks: Keep in touch with your outsourcing partners. Regular meetings or reports can help make sure they’re still a good fit for your business.

Practical Tools and Resources for SMEs

There’s a lot of help out there for small and medium businesses that want to start ethical outsourcing. You can find easy-to-understand guides on legal stuff and websites where business owners talk about what works and what doesn’t. 

There are also lots of online guides and online talks by people who really know their stuff, giving tips on how to do things right, ensuring compliance in your SME and avoiding common mistakes.

If you’re not sure about the legal side of things, it’s a good idea to talk to a lawyer who knows about working with companies in other countries. They can give advice that’s just right for your business. Plus, these days you can often meet with these experts online, which makes getting their help convenient.

Worth Reading: Steps Approach to Successful Outsourcing Strategy


Outsourcing can be a game-changer for SMEs, but it’s important to do it right. This means not only following the law but also making sure your business acts fairly and ethically. 

Invedus prides itself on offering ‘Outsourcing with Integrity‘, ensuring that every partnership is built on a foundation of trust, transparency, and ethical practice. T

his commitment guarantees that while you focus on growing your business, Invedus handles your outsourcing needs with the utmost respect for legal compliance and moral standards.


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