If you are reading this blog, the CMS platform assisted in its publication. Today, more than 43% of the websites on the internet are built on WordPress. And it has been more than 20 years, it keeps updating itself with its newer versions. It’s interesting, isn’t it?

Well, this blog post will give you more insights about WordPress stats in 2025. These observations can help you target your audience more effectively for your next projects. 

Let’s roll into the topic and learn more.

What is WordPress? 

WordPress is a free, open-source content management system (CMS) that can be used to manage websites, blogs, online stores, news portals, and more. 

Almost all businesses, including e-commerce websites, blogs, artist and design portfolios, resumes, business websites, social networks, membership websites, online forums, event websites, and e-learning websites, currently rely on WordPress content management systems to reach out to the target audience. 

Why is WordPress the Most Popular Website Platform?

There is not just one factor that makes websites choose WordPress. It provides an extensive collection of plugins and themes to make website creation simple and online presence building, regardless of the type of website a basic blog, an eCommerce store with lots of features, or an online portfolio.

Evolution of WordPress 

WordPress began life as a personal publishing platform based on PHP and MySQL back in its early days. Its evolution just started in different phases.

In Version 1 of WordPress, it is contributed by Matt Mullenweg, Mike Little, Davis, Mingus, and Strayhorn. They promoted WordPress through the WordPress Creator, Browser Installation, and Plugin and Theme Introduction. And from 2003 to 2005, they set out to upgrade WordPress. 

The following group of developers, which included Duke, Ella, Getz, Dexter, Brecker, Tyner, and Coltrane, contributed to their next WP version 2. And the WordPress section of Persistent Caching, New Backend UI, New UI, autosave, spell check, Atom feed support and speed optimizations for plugins and filters, Tagging, Update Notifications, and Pretty URLs. To upgrade this edition of WordPress, it took around 5 years.

Major updates to WordPress version 3 include the addition of custom post types, the simplification of custom taxonomies, the addition of custom menu management, and the addition of new APIs for custom headers, custom backgrounds. They also added a new default theme that is fully HTML5, enhanced the admin bars, Post Formats, and MySQL 5.0.15 minimum requirements.

The Preview feature for embedded content on YouTube and Twitter was introduced in WordPress version 4. Additionally, the developers included extended character support, emoji support, and a database encoding change from utf8 to utf8mb4. In addition to adding responsive images, embeddable posts, inline links, formatting shortcuts, and a variety of new widgets (including image, video, audio, and rich text), they worked extensively on Live Menu previews. 

WordPress version 5 introduced a new block-based editor with a showcase theme and performance improvements. Aside from that, developers benefited greatly from the additions and improvements made by contributors to the block editor, including the REST API, environment variables, dashicons, and more.

The current WP version 6 is updated, new, and recognized as “Regina.” Using this theme, users and businesses can take full advantage of the many stability, performance, and usability enhancements. Additionally, this version functions flawlessly when adding and managing fonts throughout your website. Enhanced performance, enhanced accessibility, improved drag-and-drop functionality, enhanced link controls, enhanced design tools, and data views within the site editor are just a few of the features.

Other than that, WP holds fantastic stats in 2025, which makes it unique and allows businesses to go for it. 

Source – WordPress Documentation

We will share some significant WordPress data and trends you should be aware of in 2025 below.

We have divided the WordPress statistics in this section based on the number of websites and the market share. 

Market Share

WordPress dominates the CMS market, powering approximately 43.3% of all websites globally. While competitors like Wix and Squarespace have gained traction, WordPress remains the clear leader. As of 2025, it holds an impressive 62.8% share of the CMS market, continuing to grow steadily even after years of consistent dominance.

Number of Websites

As of November 2024, WordPress powers approximately 43.7% of all websites globally, according to W3Techs. This includes a diverse range of platforms such as social media sites, online stores, personal blogs, and business websites.

Source:- W3Techs’ latest data

Why is the Market Trending Toward WordPress?

WP is a contributing factor to many other significant factors.

  • It is free to use the open-source platform.
  • Offers built-in features and plug-ins for website optimization.
  • Easy to operate.
  • It comes with large community support.

As per the survey, it was found that WordPress is most popular among youth, especially the age group of 24- 35. Apart from that, it is most popular in developed countries. 

Top Countries Using WordPress & Market Size

Worldwide, WordPress is used in almost every country. However, the majority of WordPress websites are made in the US. The United Kingdom and Russia are its followers. 

These are some data points regarding the use of WordPress in various nations. 

  • By 2023, WordPress was being used in over 178 countries. 
  • More than 60 languages are available for WordPress.

Top 10 Countries and Number of Total WordPress Sites

Countries No. of Websites
USA 3,689,032
UK 1,315,948

Source: Trends

Market Share of WP

Market Share of WP

Below, we have shared the top countries that use WP and some facts about their market value. 

  1. Russia 
  • The web hosting market is expected to generate €1.11 billion in revenue by 2024.
  • By 2028, revenue is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.59%, translating into a market volume of €2.59 billion.
  • In the web hosting market, the average amount spent per employee is expected to reach €15.74 in 2024. 
  1. Germany
  • By 2024, the Web Holding market is expected to generate €7.72 billion in revenue.
  • Market size is predicted to reach €16.64 billion by 2028, with revenue growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.17% from 2024 to 2028.
  • It is anticipated that in the web hosting market, the average spend per employee will be €178.90 by 2024.
  1. China
  • The market for web hosting is expected to generate €6.92 billion in revenue by 2024.
  • By 2028, the market is expected to have a volume of €13.16 billion, with revenue expected to grow at a 17.43% annual rate (CAGR 2024-2028).
  • In the web hosting industry, the average spend per employee is expected to reach €8.74 in 2024.
  1. USA
  • Projected web hosting market to reach €52.79bn in 2024.
  • A 21.33% annual growth rate (CAGR 2024–2028) is projected for expected revenue, which would translate into a market volume of €114.40 billion by 2028.
  • In 2024, the web hosting market is expected to have an average spend per employee of €312.30.
  1. UK
  • The market for web hosting is expected to generate €9.60 billion in revenue by 2024.
  • A compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.20% is anticipated in revenue between 2024 and 2028, translating into a market volume of €19.38 billion by that time.
  • In the web hosting market, the average spend per employee is expected to reach €270.30 by 2024.
Countries Market Size (Expected in 2024)Average Amount Spent Per Employee (Projected)
USA €52.79 billion€312.30
Germany€7.72 billion€178.90
UK €9.60 billion€270.30
China€6.92 billion€8.74 

Source: Statista

Users Demographics

There are two notable cohorts on either end of the 35–44 age range, despite this being the largest age group. Comparing the two, the younger one (25.34) is marginally bigger (45-54).

Around three out of four web creators identify as male. On the other hand, a considerable proportion of users identify as female, and this number has most likely been rising over time. 

Furthermore, the same percentage of women work in technical positions at IT companies, which anticipates that trend to continue.

Source: Uxtweak

Undoubtedly, WordPress has created its own space among digital marketers and keeps updating itself severely. 

WordPress Version Adoption

WordPress adoption of new versions follows a trend of gradual increase, not immediate mass adoption. Currently, WordPress 6.5 holds the lion’s share, accounting for over 80% of active sites.  

WordPress was created in response to the need for a sophisticated, well-designed personal publishing platform that was GPL-licensed and based on PHP and MySQL. Although WordPress is a contemporary piece of software, its inception dates back to 2001. 

With an emphasis on web standards and user experience, make WordPress stable and mature.

  • Latest Version of WP –  WordPress 6.5, “Regina,”
  • PHP Version – 8.3
  • Database Version – MariaDB 11.3
  • Locales (Top 5) – English (US), Spanish, Japanese, German, and French

Why the latest WordPress version, 6.5 Regina, is Popular

  • Perfectly considered the security factor of users and deeply worked on it. 
  • Introduced some new, cool features, including improved UI, new blocks, and upgrades for the block editor.
  • Enhancement of website speed and performance.
  • Flawlessly, worked on bug fixes. 

Source: WordPress Stats

Do you know how user-friendly WordPress is, and who makes it ideal for users? Themes and plugins are what give it a more aesthetically pleasing and intuitive feel. 

Its eye-catching themes and plugins also increase its marketability in the website market.

Users have access to over 11,700 free themes in the WordPress directory, offering extensive customization options to create unique and engaging websites.

Even so, WordPress gives you access to over 60,000 themes for website design. However, there are a few of the most well-liked WordPress themes for the current year 2024. Which includes Astra, Divi, Ocean WP, Inspiro, Divi, Ultra, Authority Pro, Themify, Twenty Seventeen, and others. 

There are currently over 30,000 themes available for WordPress, and as of April 2024, WordPress.org had close to 12,000 free themes. 

An additional 12,000 premium options are available on ThemeForest, a well-known WordPress theme marketplace. These two sources boast a combined 24000 themes. 

Most Popular WordPress Themes

According to trends.builtwith.com, Hello Elementor is the most widely used WP theme as of  April 2024. Which dominates the website world and captures 1.21% (12141) of the website market. 

Whereas Divi ranks in second place with 8,904 websites and securing a 0.89% market share.

Astra Theme is a nip and tuck with Divi, also on 8882 sites, representing a 0.89% share.

GeneratePress is chosen by 7739 sites, making up 0.77% of the top million.

NewsPaper held a 0.51% market share with 5143 websites. 

Source: trends.builtwith

Other Top Selling WordPress Themes for 2024 include: 

  • Avada, with 3861 websites and 0.39% sales
  • Genesis Framework, reaching 3,139 and 0.31% of sales
  • Twenty Seventeen is close behind with 2589 websites and a 0.26% market share. 
  • Flatsome, with 2472 websites and 0.25% sales
  • Twenty Twenty-Three, with 2187 with 0.22% sales.

Top WordPress Plugins and Market Share

You can add new functionality or expand existing functionality to a WordPress website by downloading and installing these plugins. 

In the plugins market, Yoast dominates the market with a user base of 2,647,190 and a market share of 35.57%. 

WP Bakery is a close second, appearing on 791,853 websites and securing 10.64% of the market. 

Although 688,486 users trust WP Forms, and 696,228 users trust Gravity Forms, these two plugins are neck-and-neck. 

Source: 6 sense

Regarding WordPress, it can also be accessed on mobile devices. It generates a huge amount of traffic from the mobile device as well. But it shows a different result from the desktop-based WordPress. 

Mobile vs Desktop WordPress Usage

According to current estimates, mobile traffic accounts for roughly 54% of all internet usage globally, and WordPress websites exhibit this trend. Although this traffic comes from a variety of audience niches, mobile devices account for 50% of all WordPress traffic.

Roughly 46% of all web traffic originates from desktops, even in B2B industries where complex tasks are performed. 

WordPress Trends in Mobile Optimization and Responsive Design

WordPress adheres to specific trends for responsiveness on desktop and mobile platforms. 

Adoption of Responsive Design

Over 90% of WordPress themes available in official repositories like the WordPress Theme Directory now come with responsive design as a standard feature.

Performance Enhancements

Studies indicate that websites optimized for mobile devices typically load in less than three seconds, which is crucial because 53% of mobile users leave websites that take longer than three seconds to load.

Impact of Mobile-First Indexing

Google’s 2018 mobile-first indexing rollout has highlighted the significance of mobile website versions for search engine rankings. Search engine result placements for mobile-friendly websites have improved, highlighting the importance of mobile performance.

New Practices and Technologies Accelerated Mobile Pages

As of 2022, over 52 million domains are using AMP technology to speed up mobile pages, according to official AMP project statistics. 

Following WordPress’s technological advancements, Google accounts for 93.77% of all mobile traffic.

Yahoo has the second largest mobile WP search market share with 3.42% followed by Bing with 0.36%.

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

The adoption of PWA technology in WordPress is on the rise, with numerous plugins available to convert WordPress sites into PWAs, which are known to increase user engagement and session lengths on mobile devices.

These days, companies prefer to establish a strong online presence, which is now required rather than optional for small businesses. 

The most recent eCommerce statistics for 2024 show that 56.6% of consumers would rather shop online than in-store. 

After looking at these market statistics for 2024, WordPress has adamantly shown its presence in the eCommerce market. 

According to research, WooCommerce is WordPress’s most widely used eCommerce platform. 21% of WordPress websites and 9.1% of online eCommerce stores use the plugin. Top brands like Agoda, Cisco, and Nvidia use WooCommerce to create feature-rich and highly functional eCommerce websites.

By far, more than 290 million users have downloaded WooCommerce. With 38.74% of the market share, WooCommerce commanded the highest position in the eCommerce software market in 2023, according to this data. 

In addition, it is reasonable to assume that WordPress websites generate $681.36 trillion in eCommerce revenue, given that WordPress powers 43.1% of the internet and that WooCommerce powers 21% of it. 

Second place went to Woo Themes, which is likewise owned by Automattic, the parent company of WooCommerce, with 14.95%.

Wix Stores (8.09%), Shopify (10.32%), and Squarespace Online Stores (14.67%) are a few more e-commerce platforms that made the list.

WordPress gives you the option to examine online reviews and adjust your goods and services to better suit the preferences of customers, thus improving their online shopping experience. 

Source: Hostinger, & AIOSEO 

Below are some facts on vulnerabilities and attacks of WordPress.

Vulnerabilities and Attacks

Common Vulnerabilities Found in WordPress Sites in 2024 are plugin vulnerabilities, which contribute to over 50% of all security issues. 

The theme, which accounts for 25% of attacks, is the next most frequent source of vulnerability attacks. Then it is followed by core vulnerabilities, which account for a smaller percentage of vulnerabilities, roughly around 10%.    

Number of Reported Attacks and Breaches

Approximately 120,000 daily attacks against WordPress websites have been reported globally in 2024. This covers advanced SQL injections, XSS (Cross-Site scripting) attacks, and brute force attacks.

Don’t be scared after viewing this data, WordPress is also aware of it. Therefore, it opted for various security reasons.

Security Measures and Updates WordPress Adopted in 2024

These days, the amount of security on your website determines how many people will visit it. WordPress upgrades its content management system and adds more security layers as a result. 

Updates on New Security Features in WordPress:

WordPress has introduced several new security features in its recent versions, including improved user authentication processes, automatic updates for themes and plugins, and enhanced monitoring of suspicious activity within the admin area.

  • In 2022, Wordfence stopped a whopping 159 billion requests for password attacks on WordPress websites.
  • Wordfence’s Web Application Firewall (WAF) stopped 3 million attacks from roughly 14,000 IPs and attackers trying to take advantage of vulnerabilities in the first half of 2023,

User Adoption Rates of Critical Security Updates and Practices:

  • Adoption of Automatic Updates: Approximately 80% of WordPress users have enabled automatic updates for core updates, which helps maintain security integrity.
  • Strong Password Enforcement: Around 70% of WordPress sites now enforce or strongly recommend the use of strong passwords for user accounts.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): The adoption of 2FA has seen a significant increase, with around 60% of WordPress administrators using it as an added layer of security.

Note: Most attacks on WordPress are directed at third-party plugins rather than the platform itself.

Source: AIOSEO

WordPress website as the provider will boost your performance and speed. A few website hosting companies that will improve the website’s performance are listed below.

  • Hostinger: Best fit for beginners
  • Kinsta: Overall Perfect
  • inMotion Hosting: Best for the tech-savvy.
  • Cloudways: Perfectly managed cloud hosting
  • Scala Hosting: Ideal for larger businesses  
  • WP Engine: Super-Fast Servers
  • FlyWheel: Super fast speed.
  • Blue Host: Reliable hosting provider
  • Liquid Web: Online Store friendly

WordPress Site Performance

Is your website able to handle a crowd of users at the same time. This is where your website’s performance comes into play, and WordPress takes this seriously.

Average Load Times for WordPress Sites

On average, WordPress sites load within 2.5 to 3 seconds. However, sites optimized for performance, particularly those using effective caching and image optimization strategies, can achieve load times under 2 seconds.

Impact of Performance on Site Rankings and User Experience:

  • Site Rankings: Speed is a critical factor for SEO, with faster sites receiving a ranking advantage in search engines. Google explicitly includes site speed as one of the factors in its ranking algorithm.
  • User Experience: Performance impacts user experience significantly, with statistics showing that a delay of even one second in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. Moreover, sites that load in 5 seconds (versus 19 seconds) see 70% longer average sessions.

Source: Forbes

Undoubtedly, WP has been upkeeping itself in the last two decades frequently. And includes several additional features.

Shows Robust Growth in E-Commerce

The e-commerce sector is expanding quickly, and WordPress is a great platform to launch an online store because there are WordPress eCommerce plugins available.

Currently, more than 5 million WordPress websites are powered by WooCommerce, which holds a market share of around 39%. Which has a higher share among  Shopify, Squarespace, Wix, and others.

WooCommerce (and other e-commerce solutions on WordPress) will likely introduce more advanced features tailored to complex online stores. This could include better handling of subscriptions, bookings, and memberships, as well as integrations with emerging payment technologies like cryptocurrencies.

Overall, we expect to see faster adoption of WordPress for eCommerce in the future.

Gaining Popularity Among Top Brands

WordPress currently holds the website market of 43% and a market share of 65%. 

WordPress powers 38% of the top 10,000 websites, including well-known companies like Disney, Sony, Facebook, and others. 

The WordPress community has expanded to over 2 million contributors, including developers, designers, and content creators, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration.

Developers, web designers, and WordPress enthusiasts comprise the WordPress community, which contributes to theme design, plugin development, and core development. 

The platform continues to be a strong and useful resource for people, small businesses, and organizations because of its sizable community and ongoing support. Due to its sizable community, it was able to steadily win over the trust of numerous organizations and establish its reputation among the top brands. 

Introduction and Collaboration of AI in WordPress

The world is rapidly approaching artificial intelligence. WordPress carefully considered user preferences before deciding to integrate AI into the current framework. 

Artificial intelligence was the topic of Matt Mullenweg’s WordCamp Asia 2023 AMA (Ask Me Anything). He encourages people to use AI technologies to create software, websites, and web content because he sees their potential. 

Although WordPress’s journey with AI has been lengthy, it began by updating its plugins and collaborating with AI. For example, many of you currently use All in One SEO, which is integrated with ChatGPT, to simplify your tasks related to content, SEO titles, meta descriptions, and other related tasks.

Source: WP Beginner

WordPress is well-positioned to carry on evolving toward more feature-rich, intuitive, and reliable web solutions as it adjusts to the shifting needs and technologies of its sizable user base. With these modifications, WordPress should become even more appealing as a platform for users, from bloggers to major corporations. 

But, if you lack the time to update your WordPress websites and are searching for a specialist who can make the necessary adjustments without interfering with your work, get in touch with Invedus and start reaching out to your clientele without any problems.  

Website Development Outsourcing

About Garima

Meet Garima, an integral member of the Invedus editorial team. With three years of experience in crafting compelling narratives, she brings a wealth of expertise to our roster. Her mastery of technical content writing ensures clear and precise communication. Discover how she can elevate your brand's story with persuasive and captivating content.